Thursday 1 April 2021

Verse 2. Sutra Five - The Mirror King

He is always conscious to attain the highest virtuous deeds,

The greatest in what he sees and hears.

Already sunken and bound by the five life dwellings,

Can he really in his supreme conduct surpass another.

Cháng zì juédé zūn xíng.  
zì wén jiàn xíng wúbǐ.
Yǐ duò xì shì wǔ zhái,
zì kě qíxíng shèng bǐ.

Parallel: The Pali Sutta Nipata, Atthakavagga, Chap. 5, Verse 797

Discussion: 世五宅 (shì wǔ zhái) in the 3rd line translated as the five life dwellings, could possibly be understood as the five skandhas (Sanskrit).