Below are two fragments of the Arthapada in Gandhari from The ‘Split’ Collection of Kharoṣṭhī Texts (Falk H. 2011). Scholars have reported that a full version of a Gandhari Arthapada has been discovered (Salomon R. 2018) and is now held in a private collection, perhaps one day it will be made available to be translated.
In the meantime we have the two fragments below, as I'm not versed in Gandhari I've not provided a translation of the verses. However, being an Indian Prakrit it is closely related to Pali and so I've included the Pali parallels with English translations of three of the verses as comparison. I've also provided a translation of the equivalent parallel verses appearing in the Chinese version (Yi Zu Jing) which would have been originally translated from a Gandhari Arthapada in around 229 CE by Zhi Qian.
All the above is now available via the book, Selected Verses from the Chinese Arthapada - Yi Zu Jing : Including two parallel Gandhari fragments. It includes all the translation work published on this blog with the verses rearranged into there original order for ease of reading.
Gandhari Arthapada Fragment and Text Side 1.